Breakin' the Law! The Conservative Government 2015-17

Rogues Gallery 2015

Today marks a landmark Supreme Court ruling against the UK Government in a case brought by UNISON:

UK Supreme Court rules against government and declares tribunal fees illegal (26 July 2017)

I was reminded of another Supreme Court decision not so long ago that went against the Government over Theresa May's assertion that she did not need to consult Parliament over Brexit. She was wrong.

Supreme Court rules against Government - Parliament to be given vote on Brexit (24 January 2017) 

And then I felt sure I could remember there were other times that the tories had made headlines for all the wrong reasons, so I decided to do a bit of digging (well, Googling). It didn't take long to find a whole string of examples of where the Conservatives have found themselves on the wrong side of the law over the last 2 years, whether Supreme Court, High Court, Court of Appeal ECHR. In fact, it's difficult to think of which areas of government they haven't broken the law in, whether it be health, environment, security, housing, education.


UK: Highest court dismisses Government attempt to block cases seeking justice for UK involvement in torture and kidnap abroad (17 January 2017)

UK breaks law for failing to treat urban waste water in Wales (4 May 2017

Court of Appeal finds Theresa May acted unlawfully in denying refugees access to UK (25 May 2017)

Government IS breaking the law by collecting everyone's internet and call data and accessing it with no independent sign-off and no suspicion of serious crime (21 December 2016)

'Bedroom tax': Government loses Court of Appeal cases 

(27 January 2016)

ClientEarth has won its High Court case against the Government over its failure to tackle illegal air pollution across the UK. (2 November 2016)

In a landmark judgment handed down in the High Court today, a judge has ruled in favour of the three humanist parents and their children who challenged the Government’s relegation of non-religious worldviews in the latest subject content for GCSE Religious Studies. (25 November 2015)

UK government breaks legal deadline to reveal state pension age increases (9 May 2017)

Britain’s surveillance laws have been deemed illegal by the European Court of Justice in a case that throws into question the fate of the UK’s new Investigatory Powers Act (21 December 2016)

Sanctions imposed on thousands of benefit claimants for not taking part in the DWP’s so-called “back-to-work” schemes are unlawful, a court has ruled. (29 April 2016)


All this is without taking into account other significant court cases against the Government that whilst unsuccessful, many will feel strongly deserved to be given a fairer hearing.

So it seems that not only do we have:
  • a failing, inhuman minority government, led by a shambolic hollowed out shell of a Prime Minister.
  • a PM: a woman, so devoid of concern for anything other than clinging on to her increasingly untenable position that she would sell her own granny.
  • a costly and dangerous alliance with the DUP, entered into by the PM just to gain the 10 extra seats that have allowed her to cling on like grim death, a squatter at No.10.
And do they show any remorse or humility for their persistent criminal behaviour? No! They are so arrogant that they feel they are above the law and repeatedly waste tax-payers money defending and appealing expensive legal cases.

Yet still, they and their media puppets lie, smear and slur the Labour Party, repeating and recycling unfounded rumours and downright untruths, oblivious to the fact that this dirty kind of campaigning is one of the things that backfired on them at the General Election.

Surely, it has to be time for a change?


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